Tuesday, 14 February 2017

New Blog

What do I want this blog to be about? I have been asking myself that question since I decided to create one. This isn't the first blog I have put together, but I want it to be more than just a way for me to rant about daily stresses and griping about my life.

For as far back as I can remember I have always wanted to write. Whether it be diaries, stories, articles, etc I have always enjoyed putting words down and piecing them together to create something that was worthy of a read. 

When I was little, I wrote in a diary every year.....I started when I was as young as 5 or 6 so a lot of my entries at that point was simple and childlike, but as I got older I used my diary to write about my fears and dreams, used it to unburden myself from the daily struggle of school and early adult life and basically used it like a best friend (not that I didn't have friends)

It's been many years since I wrote in a diary but throughout the years I have regularly wrote short stories and make many notes for any future writing I might make. 

Life over the years has taken over, marriage, children, work, bills. It's all meant that I took a step from my writing and focused on my life as a wife and parent. 

Another passion of mine is photography and I run quite a successful small photography business company for the last few years, building up clientele and reputation. But the past few years have seen me lose focus when it comes to my work. I covered many events as a photographer; weddings, christenings.....I even shot studio style Photoshoots. I love the people I work with and all the young babies and children that I get to photograph but the work can seem a bit predictable at times and I feel that I am losing what I loved about photography in the first place, the fact that you can take photographs of pretty much anything, anywhere and make them look amazing and arty just by the lighting or angle used. I feel that I want to go back to that, so I am reeling in my photo bookings and I have agreed with myself (I am my own boss you know) that I wouldn't do anymore of the stuff that doesn't make me happy. And after the past 7 months, I need to find something that will help reconfirm that life is for living. I have had a good life up until now but I have always put off the one thing I wanted - to have work of mine published. Whether it be photographs or a book....

So having answered my own question as I wrote this first post, this blog is going to be a place where I can show off some of my work, create new photo pieces and write reviews, short stories etc. Whether any of it will be good is another thing entirely, but if it is rubbish and you read it, please be kind to me - so here I go! 

Let the creative juices flow! 

Okay I'm sorry, that's totally cheesy! 😂

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