Sunday, 10 June 2018

Driving me Mad

It has been almost 18 months now since I started driving and little by little my love of it is waning because people are such JERKS on the road!

When Stew drove (before his accident) I used to laugh at his 'road-rage' moments. You know the ones! He's driving along, someone cuts him up or doesn't give way and he swore and called them all the 'colourful' words he could think of. I used to laugh, I put it down to him being hot-headed and I even commented that he should let it go over his head and ignore them....just concentrate on driving, I said.

Man, I was a knob! Because I now understand the anger from having a 'rubbish' driver around you...and little did I know that there are SO many of them.

I never remember noticing the 'pillocks' too much on my driving lessons, but I notice them now.

If they aren't overtaking you because you aren't going quick enough on a 30mph road or not giving right of way on an island; or reversing at you and checking their blind-spots enough then they are driving so far up your arse, they are almost in the car with you.

My biggest bug-bear is when they don't give right of way though, especially on an island. Not the usual moments when they don't see you come round the bend on an island, I have enough time to see them and slow down...that doesn't bother me too much, even if I do huff a little, but I have had people pull out at the last second and I have had to pretty much STOP on an island as they saunter past, always looking straight ahead, never looking back at the car they cut up in case they get the ever needed 'Wanker' hand gesture.

When I first learnt to drive, I enjoyed it a lot more than I do now. But the 'bumholes' on the roads kill my love of driving.

Lets not even get started on the kids on bikes who ride right 'smack-bang' in the middle of the road whilst looking back at you smugly as you are forced to drive at 5mph!

No...lets not mention them!

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