Sunday, 19 March 2017

Blog Update

Hi All
Its been a while since I wrote on here so I figured I would pop by, in between editing photographs from a wedding I covered, and update on recent stuff that has been happening.

So for a long time then I have wanted to write. Whether it be fiction or non fiction then I have always felt like I wanted to put myself out there in words, but I also have a passion for working within the television industry. Not in front of the screen, but behind....within the production team possibly or combining my love for writing and media and having some sort of broadcast journalism role. So last week I did my usual job search of any type of careers that may be waiting for me to apply within this industry. There were the usual 'too good to be true' vacancies, but I applied for a couple of jobs that I found on

The first being a job within the HR department at BBC Studios. Not exactly a production role but a step in the door at least. I applied for an admin role at a local radio station too which again isn't within the team I would like to be in but its a start.

One thing that I applied for which has been torn in two as to whether I really want it or not is the BBC Trainee Journalism Apprentice Scheme. This is a training course which annually gets offered to so many people who apply (which I can imagine is probably hundreds) - The opportunity is for 10 months and involves possibly relocating to one of the BBC sites around the country and training in broadcast journalism. The training sounds very hands on. There is a big part of me that would love this opportunity. Although there is no guarantee of a contract at the end, it would be amazing experience. But the thought of relocating and spending time away from my husband and boys makes me not want it. My husband has been very supportive and has said that if I want to do it then I should go for it. Which I have done, the application has been completed and has been sent in a few days ago. I am pretty sure there is not much chance of me getting the position but the fact that I want it is making me want to apply for more positions.

As well as this then I have had some ideas for script and short stories which I will be putting together over the next few weeks.

Logging off now as I am about to watch Legion!

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