Wednesday, 28 February 2018

1.2.3.....Writing Rant

It’s probably obvious from how many posts I create, but I kind of really love writing.

I always have done.

When I was young(er) I used to create short stories and poems, even winning a couple of contests at school. When I was really little I always wrote in a diary and documented my days. This was from a very young age and I continued with it up until I was around 16. Some of these diaries I still have today.

When I was in my final year of school my dream job was to be a photojournalist, which is why I applied and got accepted for a place on the GNVQ Advanced Media and Communication course at Walsall College.

It had everything covered in the course.

Photography, radio production, tv production, even journalism. It was a perfect way for me to find my niche. My dream changed, suddenly I wanted to do everything that I was learning. I wanted to be a presenter, wanted to work in film, I wanted to write for a celebrity magazine and I wanted to do photography as a career. I didn’t have one focus, I wanted to do it all.

But life took over, I finished college and was more interested in setting up a home with Stew and I settled down. I have always and still do love my life with Stew and we have two wonderful boys together, and for a while I dabbled with my photography and I was satisfied with what I was doing.

But the type of photography I was doing was not what I had wanted to do originally. I was doing weddings, photo shoots, etc but I had always wanted to take arty photos and have a gallery opening, it may be a big dream, but it was always something I pictured myself doing if I went down the photography route. I have also always liked the thought of shooting glamourous shoots for glossy celeb magazines. One must have a dream after all.

Since doing photography work the past 10 years then I have stepped away from my camera for a while. I was happy doing what I was doing but I looked back over my life and personally I was happy but career wise I was nowhere near where I wanted to be. I looked back at what I wanted to do when I was at college and I wasn't actually doing anything I wanted to do. Yeah, I was in a cushy job, got paid well for working flexible hours which enable me to work around the boys and the school run, etc but what happened to the dreams I had when I was 17? Those dreams I had of working in TV and the dreams I had of writing for magazines or creating a screenplay that would be adored by all who watched it...

I have created a fantastic photography portfolio with my business and have got thousands of photographs of weddings, babies, etc.

Unknown to some, I also used to present at the Walsall Hospital Radio. I had my own Sunday morning breakfast show slot. I presented the show for a couple of years. :)

Those dreams from college are still in there...and at what point do I say to myself that I want to go for them again?

Do I forget about them and just ignore them? Do I wait until I get to a point in my life that it WILL DEFINATELY be too late to try? Or do I grab the 'bull' by the horns and put myself out there?

Well....if I fear anything more, then it is the image of me getting to a ripe old age and looking back with regret. I want to say I tried. It doesn't matter if it didn't happen, as long as I tried. So I have been writing more content, getting my fingers tap-tap tapping on the keyboard and blowing away the cobwebs in my imagination and have been spewing out poems and short stories. This is just a way for me to get back into writing on a more regular basis. I have been Twittering and engaging with other bloggers. The amount of bloggers I have communicated with is phenomenal. To date I have over
2000 followers and I have accumulated those since December. I use my writing page to create short stories and poems. It helps to showcase my work, get feedback - good or bad and just gives me an audience for what I produce. I don't expect big things to come from what I write, but the fact that I am trying makes me feel better about the whole 'not having done it sooner' feeling.

I have reopened the files that my book has been saved on and started going back over my notes. The story I am writing is kind of a supernatural/fantasy genre and it is far from fact, I have only just scratched the surface with it.

There are a ton of writing competitions I want to enter too, but I just have to think of what I want to write. All I have to do is try to get myself out there and hope that someone notices me.

And if they don't that's fine, because I will always be happy with knowing that at least I tried. If I don't try then I only ever really have myself to blame.

S x

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