The moment I saw you, I knew you would be someone special.
You lay in my womb for almost 10 months and each kick and movement resonated within me. I felt as you grew inside me and waited very impatiently for you to be born. The days ticked by and eventually around 5 days past my due date you were delivered to me and your Dad.
I was groggy from drugs when I first saw your face; you were being dressed by the midwife and I could hear your cries but not see you. The anaesthetic was playing tricks on me and I was a little in and out of it, but I was determined to liven up so I could see you. You were brought over to me and even though I couldn't hold you, I happily soaked in how you looked. It was a few hours until I was able to hold you properly as I had been heavily sedated and my arms weren't strong enough to hold you at first. You were born around 9.30pm on 22nd March 2011 and I was able to hold you properly around 3am the next morning. There is a moment that I will never forget. They had taken me out of the observation room and were taking me back to the ward. They placed you in my arms as they wheeled the bed and we had this moment. Both of us looked at the other at the same time and we simply stared at one another. Your eyes narrowed slightly and your brow furrowed as though you were wondering 'who the hell I was'. And then your brow smoothed and you simply stared at me. There was no crying, no pulling of faces; you simply looked at me.
From that moment you have gone from a wonderful, bright, cheerful baby to a sensitive, intelligent gentle crazy soul. With every step we have watched your likes and dislikes change and watched in awe as you thrived in all things that you put your mind to. Your reading and word learning came on brilliantly and you were telling the time before you were 3 years old. You have a good chunk of me and your dad in you. Mentally you sponge information and retain it in your beautiful mind, as your father does. And you are a chatterbox and have a kooky sense of humour, like me. I would like to think that you get your sensational good looks from me too.
You love your family; work hard at school and you are building a loving/competitive relationship with your younger brother, Oliver.
Each day that you are in our lives only helps to make our days better. We love watching you grow and I hate the thought of the day when you will leave home and not need me as much. I want to stop you growing and hold on to you forever. I look back at your baby photos and realise that I marched through those days in a blur. I wish I had slowed down a bit, I wish I had enjoyed the nappy days, the sleepless nights and the endless CBeebies just so I could mentally take a picture of every moment I made with you. I want to slow down your growth, I want to stop you getting any bigger, because I know I will miss 6 year old Ethan as I miss newborn Ethan and 2 year old Ethan and 5 year old Ethan. Every stage you held onto my hand as I guided you on the right path.
So, tomorrow you will turn 7 and we will celebrate as we always do. We will give you presents and then we will take you out for a meal after school.
Please always remember that we love you, you make us so proud everyday. From the constant babble you make to the fact that you are a Minecraft fanatic. Everyday that I am alive I will always have your back, and as much I hate to see you grow, I look forward to seeing where your future leads. Wherever you go or whatever you do, I will always be by your side and will always Love you.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Pudding.
Mom xx
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