Thursday, 1 March 2018

Snow'n Hell

Now the news on everyone's lips is the 'Beast from the East' or in other words the heavy snowfall we have had or are having. Some areas are more affected than others, some areas are buried deep with snow, such as Scotland. Others like here have only really seen a small pattering of snow until today. Tonight has been a bit blistery. The snow is like very fine grains of sand; it is being blown around by Windy Emma and creating snow drifts here, there and everywhere.

Its bloody cold out there though, which I am sure you have all heard spoken over and over again. Us Brits like to state the obvious don't we?

I am sat here trying to write a new post and I have got a tad distracted by EastEnders...I am catching up on about 8 episodes and am watching Abi's funeral. Max is reading a poem for his deceased daughter and I have tears streaming down my face. EastEnders can be very cheesy at times, but on days like today it can be tearjerking! I know Max is a scoundrel but I do feel sorry for his mushy face at times.

...and then he places a picture of Abi's daughter on her coffin...I am going again! Damn you EastEnders!

Well this post completely went off track...started about snow and now its about EastEnders... cold out isn't it?

S x

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