Saturday, 3 March 2018

TV Shows we watch.

Its no secret that I love a good series to watch. Me and Stew always enjoy watching boxsets and if we are really into a show then we can be known to watch a few episodes of a particular show in one sitting.

Here is a list of some of the shows we watch and my opinion of each. These are my opinions, not of the shows networks or producers. I have no connection to the shows whatsoever:-

We have enjoyed watching Walking Dead since it first started; now at Season 8 we still continue to watch it. The show is entertaining to watch and I have enjoyed some characters more than others....cough, cough...Daryl....but overall it is a good show.

But...and I say this without wanting to diss the show too much....but. I think it has lost its spark a little. Negan is like a big bad pantomime villain. Yeah, sure, he killed Glenn in a vicious way, but since then he has been like a big angry, grinning pussycat. He is a dick, don't get me wrong but I don't feel that he is a big scary character even though I do kind of like him. There are times when I just wish someone would wipe that smug look off of his face, but I do actually prefer him to Rick. The fact that he has such a big group of people willing to fight for him means that he is always covered from attack.

I do feel that this series and maybe last one too dragged out a bit. If you placed all the bits from the episodes together that truly matter then it probably wouldn't add up to much footage. There are times when I feel that an episode doesn't really give us anything and it kind of leaves me disappointed especially when I have waited from the week before to see it again. With the slow build ups and 'deliberately' not killing off fan-favourites then I do wonder how long this show can go on for.

Gotham is a series based around the world of Batman, but PRE Batman. It has Ben McKenzie of The OC fame. He plays a young James Gordon who struggles daily to make Gotham a better place. The show is dark and graphic in its portrayal of the shady city. The appearance's of familiar comic characters make this a firm favourite with my husband. Penguin is a vile, greasy whiney man; Riddler is a geeky, enigmatic fool and Alfred has quite right hook and a rather British 'likeable' air about him. And Bruce Wayne is a kid who is having to come to terms with the deaths of his parents whilst he goes through challenges which will ultimately lead him down his 'fateful' path towards tight leather and the 'bat-mobile'.

As with most comic book television runs then this does have twists when it comes to the characters. The Villains come and go regularly with some preferable characters over others. I have to admit that this isn't my favourite show, Stew prefers this one. I find it very dark, the humour at times isn't that funny and I really don't like Penguin. His face is enough to put me off food! But saying that, there are some fun elements in this film. I love the interaction between Bruce and Alfred and I enjoy the 'romance' between Bruce and Selina (who will ultimately become Cat Girl) - We have just finished season 3.

We love this show. The first season was watched within a week, I love the 80s feel to it and the script is amazingly well written. The cast do so well to deliver this story. We have started season 2 but i feel it is a little slower than the first one, but I have also been watching it whilst I write on here, so I haven't been paying enough attention. We are going to revisit the episodes and start it again.

Great show though!

13 Reasons Why.
This is one of my favourite shows ever! I loved it, the script and characters were well written. I loved seeing Hannah's story unfold, even if it was so heart-breaking at the end. I really wish her and Clay could have come together and be happy. It is such a bitter-sweet story. I have only recently realised that this is based on a book; I will make sure I search this out so I can see whether it differs any from the series. There is a second series coming out, although I do wonder where they can go with the series since the end of Season 1. But I will be sure to give it a go. 

When Stew suggested us watching this then I wasn't too sure about it. I am not mad crazy about X-Men style stuff and wasn't sure it would be for me. I liked the fact that the guy from Tru Blood was in it and Fred from Angel (Buffyverse) but despite some reservations with the first episode then I kind of liked it. It got more and more interesting as the series wound on. There were some cheesy moments and predictable parts but not a bad watch. 

We have been hooked on this show since the very beginning, it is so entertaining. Every type of emotion runs through you as you watch this show; horror, intrigue, sadness, heartbreak, shock. It is best to NOT get attached to any characters though as you never know how long they will be around. The show knows how to entertain and the producers and the cast do a fantastic job of keeping us viewers watching. The fact that there are very few episodes left until the very end is quite sad. I hope they do it justice; this has been such a great show, I would hate to HATE the Dexter.

We have watched every episode of this show and it was so so good. The writing was brilliant, the show never let itself get stale and left on a high note. The characters were believable, enjoyable and completely entertaining. I love Steve Buscemi, he did a fantastic job at playing Nucky Thompson. He was quite scary at times, although how he ever got any woman to fall for him is beyond me!

This is another series that we have finished but what a show! I loved it! Again, amazing script, it kept you on your toes from the very start. Walt was a glorious, amazing character and he brought some fantastic scenes to our screens. Those who haven't watched this, please give it a try. It really is a slow builder, but you have to stick with it. It gets so much better than what it first appears. 

That's it for now folks, I have got tired, it is late and I need to get some sleep before my two jerks wake me up in the morning. :)

Thanks Guys. I will write more about the shows I watch in another post soon.

S x

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