Wednesday, 3 January 2018

I Will Be The Girl Who Decided To Go For It!

We woke early(ish) today and decided to go for a breakfast with the boys, so we took them to Frankie and Benny's! I had a big breakfast, as did Stew and the boys both had pancakes and bacon.

We thought it would be nice to have us four together as a family eating a meal together...It was lovely for all of 5 minutes before Oliver decided that eating his meal on the floor underneath the table would be his preference. Follow this with 10 minutes of coaxing him out (gentle persuasion, followed by angry tones, before trying the gentle tactic again) which worked when I bribed him with his tablet at home. ('If you don't come up from underneath that table then you won't have your pad for the whole day')

Ethan decided two bites into his pancakes that he wasn't hungry and told me repeatedly that he was really thirsty, this was after he drank a whole cup of milk and some of my diet coke. To be fair to my eldest jerk then he has been unwell for the past few days to the point that his appetite has been affected...that is until I mention chocolate of course, but he has been a bit unwell. He's had snot and phlegm and a bit of a temperature.

We finished off our breakfast with my husband Stew ensuring that he had his 2nd cup of Caramel Latte before we headed off...after all it is a refill and he must get his monies worth.

Just before we stepped outside of the restaurant I realised I didn't know where my car keys were. I racked my brains for where they could be, hands frisking myself from earhole to ankle, mind mentally checking each pocket whilst my hands searched for my keyring fluff (literally a ball of white fluff as a keyring) before I emptied the contents of my handbag out into my hand...with old receipts, make up (which I wasn't wearing), a comb, my old purse, endless 1p and 2p coins falling out. I pushed it all back in and thought with horror that they must still be in the car....I did a very undramatic run to the car, hoping that it hadn't been broken into...or worse that the keys had got lost somewhere else and we were now stranded....Halfway there my hands delved deep into my bag again and low and behold, there were my keys. Resting on top of my bag! How on earth did I miss them?? Did they play hide and seek with me? And jump out at the last minute saying haha, Sucker!!

Anyway, disaster averted we headed off to do some much needed shopping before heading to the barbers for the boys to get a proper cut. The hairdressers (Smart Cuts, Ablewell Street) as always was pretty busy and we sat on a sofa and waited our turn. I hate waiting for anything with the boys, they both get antsy and impatient. Both were drinking from their juice bottles eagerly and I knew one of them would want the toilet any minute! They were up and down off the sofa, walking around and getting into peoples way, so I pulled out my mobile phone and got them to play a couple of the games I had saved! Score one to mom for pulling out the technology to distract them!

They both had a lovely cut, unfortunately I didn't take a picture at the time of them getting it cut, but they did well. Oliver was harder to keep still but he tried really hard to listen whilst the lady cut his wild mass of hair. Ethan sank lower and lower everytime the hairdresser sprayed him with water to wet his hair, but he did well too.

We got home, fed Harry the Pug and had tea before me and the boys got on the floor and played board games. We had Time Shock (cheap man frustration), Doh Nutters, Mr Bucket and Tetris Dual. They are both now tucked up in bed.

I have thought more about the previous goals I wrote, I have failed on the healthy eating and fitness today, but I have drank my 6 glasses of water...that alone has had an affect on the scales. Not by much, but a little. I know I need to eat healthier and get some fitness in. I am back at Slimming world next week and I am going to get back to Zumba. We even brought me a pink kettlebell today! Watch this space!

I have spoken more to Stew about what type of tattoo i would like and where. I have thought of maybe a feather as a dedication to Baby Harper...but I will look more into it, maybe look at tattoo ideas on Google and Pinterest! You can always thank the internet for being able to find what you need! 

One things for sure though I feel a lot more positive since I started writing this blog. I don't expect anything from it, I am just having fun and whilst I am doing this then I am not thinking negatively or about things I can't change and that can only be a good thing right?

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